Crate nickel

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pub extern crate hyper;
pub use middleware::Continue;
pub use middleware::Halt;
pub use router::Router;
pub use router::Route;
pub use router::RouteResult;
pub use router::HttpRouter;
pub use mimes::MediaType;
pub use template_cache::ReloadPolicy;
pub use template_cache::TemplateCache;


A Router assigns Middleware to paths and resolves them per request


Macro to reduce the boilerplate required for using unboxed closures as Middleware due to current type inference behaviour.


A server listeing on a socket
Nickel is the application object. It’s the surface that holds all public APIs.
NickelError is the basic error type for HTTP errors as well as user defined errors. One can pattern match against the kind property to handle the different cases.
Configuration options for the server.
A container for all the request data.
A container for the response



This trait provides convenience for translating a number of common return types into a MiddlewareResult while also modifying the Response as required.

Type Definitions